Tsitsikamma National Park Conference Facilities

Information about Tsitsikamma National Park as a conference facility.

Tsitsikamma National Park conference facilities:

Tsitsikamma National Park seating facilities compromise 40 seats with tables in cinema style, or 26 seats with tables arranged in a U-shape. Equipment available: overhead projector, flip chart and the hall can be darkened. Tsitsikamma can provide meals and light refreshments at the conference hall, if arrangements are made in advance. There is a restaurant as well as a shop. Reservations are subject to a deposit payable in advance. Accounts are payable with in 30 days.Tsitsikamma conference hall has a small kitchen, which is equipped with a sink and a kettle for making tea and coffee. Should separate facilities be required for the secretariat and catering, an oceanette with a stove, fridge and crockery can be reserved at additional cost.
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